ROME CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL- Superb music making returns to Teatro Argentina

The historic Teatro Argentina built in 1732 on the site where Julius Cesar was assassinated in the Curia Pompeii.
In 1816 Rossini’s Barber of Seville saw the light of day in a theatre that also was the seat for many years of the Accademia di S.Cecilia Concert Season .It is now the seat for many of the concerts of the Filarmonica Roma.It is also principally the seat of the National Theatre with a full season of important stage productions of the Teatro di Roma .
Schubert Piano Quintet D 667 ‘The Trout’ Andrea Lucchesini-Amy Schwartz Moretti-Leonardo Taio-Erica Piccotti-Reed Tucker –

Andrea Lucchesini distinguished teacher at the prestigious Music Academy in Fiesole and artistic director of the Amici della Music di Firenze.I remember Shura Cherkassky being invited to Luciano Berio’s house after his recital in Empoli to listen to the teenage prodigy Lucchesini playing the Watermusic by Berio.Cherkassky was very impressed and it is nice to see this star from the class of Maria Tipo years later playing a prominent part on the world stage

Rome Chamber Music Festival in the historic Teatro Argentina in the centre of Rome.
Derek Wang and friends with Shostakovich’s amazingly evocative Quintet in G minor op 57 and Andrea Lucchesini in Schubert’s Trout Quintet with the quite hypnotic Amy Schwartz Moretti and Erica Piccotti.

Shostakovich Piano Quintet op 57 Derek Wang-Stefan Jackiw-Virgil Moore-Kinga Wojdalska,Silvia Gira
Robert Mc Duffie presenting the 13 young artists on the De Simone Young Artists programme
Derek Wang
Rainy Rome but the Trout safely at home inside Teatro Argentina
Robert Mc Duffie welcoming his guests as he has done for the past twenty years in his beloved Eternal City

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