Salome Jordania A supreme stylist of passionate intensity and intelligence

From the very first notes it was clear that Salome has a strong personality and hot blooded temperament.A supreme stylist of intelligence with an unobtrusive technical mastery that allowed the music to flow so naturally from her sensitive fingers.

A Schumann Arabesque that was played with liquid sounds of great fluidity bringing a subtle sense of character to all she played. A temperament of searing intensity that in this beautiful gem could be more simple and less hanging onto every note as if her life depended on it. But nevertheless it was playing of great beauty and as she matures she will allow the music to speak with this same beauty but without disturbing the natural flow that comes from it’s very roots.

The Chopin Waltz op 34 n.1 a favourite of the great Chopin pianists of the past,in particular Rubinstein, who would play this waltz with the same beguiling charm and character that Salome brought to it today. It could be a little simpler but the ‘joie de vivre’ and wonderful phrasing were the same, and if there were one or two impetuous moments it was a small price to pay for such spontaneity and ‘joie de vivre’.

Rubinstein used to often play the F sharp major nocturne op 15 that Salome played too .It is too rarely heard in the concert hall these days but in the hands of a true poet and supreme stylist like Salome it is of a poignant simplicity and beauty.If her temperament took her to places that she will eventually discard , her superb musicality will win over her intense temperament.

The Scriabin Satanic Poem suited her style today as she made it seem like a free improvisation with a kaleidoscopic sense of colour and driving passionate temperament.A continuous flood of mellifluous ‘satanic’ sounds and a true tone poem of great beauty and intensity.An intelligent programme too that could show us the influence that the Liszt Sonata was to have on all the composers that followed in it’s wake.

Strangely enough it was the two works by Liszt that were played with disarming simplicity and a sense that the music was born from the very roots of it’s inspiration.A harmonic progression that gave great solidity and stability to all the beautiful things that floated on this sumptuous wave of sound. What a beautiful piece ‘Les Cloches de Genève ’ is when played like today.An opening of ravishing beauty as she barely stroked the keys.A ravishing beauty to the melodic line which floated on washes of sumptuous sounds and although played with great intensity it was also played with disarmingly simple beauty.


The Liszt Sonata in B minor – the pinnacle of the romantic repertoire and where Liszt had created a work after the Schubert Fantasie in a new form where the opening themes announced at the beginning are transformed like characters in an opera.Breaking away from the traditional Sonata form Liszt manages to create the same overall architectural shape but all stemming from the opening page.Salome here showed that she is indeed a musician to be reckoned with as she followed scrupulously Liszt’s meticulous indications of dynamics and tempo but at the same time imbued the music with the passionate intensity from which it was born.Her performance showed a maturity and intelligent musicianship that is rare where all the momentous technical challenges are usually played like gladiators entering the arena without contemplating the genius of Liszt who could combine emotion and intensity with the intelligence of a supreme architect.Liszt was looking to the future always and it is the final two pages of this sonata that are prophetic and were played by Salome with rare understanding of artistry and maturity.

Winner of New York Concert Artists Worldwide Competition, Georgian pianist Salome Jordania has appeared as a recitalist, chamber musician as well as concerto soloist in different cities of Germany, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Italy, Spain, Austria, Israel, Ukraine, The Netherlands, France, Russia, Mexico and various states of the USA. She had a successful debut recital at Berlin Philarmonie Hall in March of 2023. The same year, she was also chosen as one of the finalists at Classeek Ambassador Programme. Her upcoming concert tour in 2023-2024 includes solo recitals and performances with orchestra in Switzerland, France, UK, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Japan and the US. 

Pianist Salome Jordania began her studies at the age of seven with renowned professor Natalia Natsvlishvili in her native Tbilisi, Georgia. Since young age she has won multiple national and international competitions including 1st prize at Chopin National Competition in Georgia and was granted a special prize by the Mayor of Tbilisi naming her “Cultural Ambassador of Georgia” at 13 years old. Salome earned her Bachelor Degree from The Juilliard School of Music with Prof Julian Martin and her Master’s degree from Yale School of Music with Boris Berman graduating with the Charles S. Miller prize as a distinguished pianist and with Yale Alumni Prize award. 

During recent years, Ms. Jordania was awarded the Norma Fischer Prize in Wideman International Competition; won silver medal at IKIF competition in New York City; First Prize at Golden Key Competition in Frankfurt, Germany; won bronze medal at the Jose Iturbi International Piano Competition, where she was awarded three additional special prizes for best Performance of Mozart, best performance of Chopin, and best interpretation of the commissioned piece, received Finalist Prize, Yamaha Prize and EDHEC prize at Etoiles du Piano, France and the Georges Cziffra Award by the Cziffra Foundation in Vienna, Austria. She is currently pursuing an Artist Diploma degree at Guildhall School of Music in London, UK with Prof Ronan O’Hora, where she is a recipient of Steinway and Sons scholarship. Salome is managed by ICM Management worldwide.

Keyboard at Eight ‘Stars shining brightly at Milton Court ‘ Rose Mclachlan ,Jeremy Chan and Salome Jordania

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